Club By-laws



(As Amended March 2022)


Terms defined in the Rules and Constitution of the Association have the same meaning in these By-Laws. In particular:

“Association” means The Canberra North Bowling and ACT Rugby Union Club Incorporated.

“Bowling Members” means Bowling Members of the Club as defined in clause 2.1(b) of the Association’s Rules and Constitution.

“Canberra North Bowling Club” means the name under which Bowling Members from the Association compete in bowls competitions.  This name can be shortened to “The Club” or “CNBC” for the purposes of these By-Laws.


1.1    Membership

The Bowls Management Committee (BMC) shall comprise eight members, elected by and from the Bowling Members.

1.2    Composition

The BMC shall consist of:

Bowls President;

Bowls Vice-President;

BMC Secretary;

Championship Director;

Bowls Coordinator; and

Three (3) General Committee members, including at least one from each gender.

The Board may appoint one of its Directors to the BMC (additional to the eight members referred to above).

One of the Bowling Members of the Association’s Board is also expected to attend BMC meetings and/or provide reports to the BMC meetings on matters of relevance to the BMC.

The BMC should encourage an appropriate gender balance in the BMC membership.

1.3    Annual Meeting

The BMC must, at least once in each calendar year, and as soon as practicable after the 30 June, call an annual meeting of the Bowling Members (Bowling Meeting).

The business of the Annual Bowling Meeting is:

  • to confirm the minutes of the last Annual Bowling Meeting;
  • to receive from the BMC, reports on the activities of the BMC during the last year;
  • to elect the members of the BMC and of the Selection Committee(s);
  • to consider any changes to the bowls program, and
  • to consider any matters relating to the organisation of bowls.

A quorum for a Bowling Meeting shall be 20 Bowling Members eligible to vote.

The Secretary must give notice of a Bowling Meeting at least 21 days before the date fixed for that meeting.  The notice should specify the nature of the business proposed to be transacted at that meeting.

A Member wishing to bring any business before a Bowling Meeting that requires a formal decision by the meeting must give written notice of that business to the Secretary14 days before the meeting.  The Secretary must then give notice of that business to members at least 7 days prior to the meeting.

Motions which conform to these conditions can be amended at a Bowling Meeting provided the amendments do not alter the intent of the motions.

 1.4     General Meeting

The BMC may, whenever it considers it appropriate, call a Special General Meeting of Bowling Members to consider any matters relating to the organisation of bowls.

The general provisions outlined under 1.3 above shall also apply to Special General Meetings.

1.5     Election of Bowls Management Committee members.

At least 35 days prior to the Bowling Meeting, the Secretary of the BMC shall invite written nominations for the BMC positions from Bowling Members, on a form prescribed by the BMC.

BMC members shall be appointed for two years, with around half the committee retiring each year. Retiring BMC members are eligible for re-election to the same position for one additional two-year term.

Nominations of candidates for election as members of the
BMC (including a nomination by the Board to appoint a Director to the BMC):

  • must be made in writing signed by 2 Bowling Members of the Association and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate (preferably endorsed on the nomination form); and
  • must be given to the Secretary of the BMC not less than 14 days before the date fixed for the annual meeting at which the election for BMC office bearers is to take place.

If insufficient nominations are received to fill all vacancies, the candidates nominated are taken as elected.

If the number of nominations received is equal to the number of vacancies to be filled the people nominated are taken as elected.

If the number of nominations received exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled a secret ballot must be held.

Ballot papers shall be available on the notice board and/or by email 12 days before the date fixed for the Annual Bowling Meeting at which the election is to take place.

In the event that a ballot is required, a returning officer, who is not one of the nominees for the positions, shall be appointed to oversee the conduct of the ballot

A person is not eligible to simultaneously hold more than 1 position on the BMC.

In the event of a vacancy on the BMC, the BMC may appoint a member to fill the vacancy.

The BMC may co-opt a Bowling Member for a limited time to undertake a specific task (a co-opted member would not be entitled to vote at BMC meetings).

1.6   Responsibilities

The BMC is responsible:

  • to the Board for the duties outlined in the Rules and Constitution;
  • for arranging the election of members of the BMC and the Selectors;
  • for appointing the Special Events Committee; and
  • for appointing individuals or sub-committees to assist in carrying out its responsibilities.

1.7   Duties

The duties of the BMC members are as follows:

  • The Bowls President is the Chair of the BMC and represents the Bowling Members of the Club and is responsible for liaising with the Board and Management of the Association on bowling activities at the Club.
  • The Bowls Vice-President assists the President in addressing all bowling related matters.
  • The Secretary is responsible for the minutes of the BMC, correspondence, liaison and bowls membership registers.
  • The Championship Director is responsible for the conduct of the Club Championships competition and shall develop and maintain an annual schedule of Club championship competitions.
  • The Bowls Co-ordinator is responsible for the management and control of all social and competition play (excluding Club Championships, Club representative games and barefoot bowls) on the Bowling Greens. Volunteer coordinators will assist the Bowls Coordinator.
  • The General Members should participate in the decision making of the BMC, assist other office bearers in the performance of their duties and attend to any responsibility assigned to them by the President.

1.8     Other Offices

The BMC will appoint eligible Bowling Members to the offices of:

Assistant Championship Director; and

Greens Representative.

These positions will be required to report to the BMC on their areas of responsibility as necessary. They will not be BMC members and will not have a vote on the BMC.

Where possible, the Assistant Championship Director should be of the opposite gender to the Championship Director.



A Special Events Committee chaired by the Bowls Coordinator, and with appointed bowling members, shall be established from the men and women bowlers of the Club.

The Special Events Committee shall:

  • develop proposals for additional events or activities and make recommendations to the BMC;
  • co-ordinate the Club’s hosting of Bowls ACT and other events approved by the BMC; and
  • perform such other duties as requested by the BMC.


A Selection Committee shall be established to select bowlers to represent the Club in pennant bowling and other ACT inter-Club competitions.

  •  Membership
  • The Selection Committee shall consist of up to four members as determined by the BMC each year, and shall have a minimum of one male and one female member. The Selection Committee will be elected annually by the Bowling Members. If required, a secret ballot will be held as soon as practicable after 30 June each year.
  • The Selection Committee must appoint a Chair and, in a year where there are four Selectors, if necessary the Chair will have a deciding vote.
  • The Secretary of the BMC shall invite written nominations for membership of the Selection Committee from Bowling Members on a form prescribed by the BMC.
  • All candidates are to be Bowling Members of the Association and be nominated by two Bowling Members, in writing. The nominees shall indicate their consent, in writing, to the nomination (preferably endorsed on the nomination form).
  • In the event of a vacancy on a Selection Committee, the BMC may appoint a member to fill the vacancy.

2.2.2   Duties

The functions of the Selection Committee are to:

  • select players for pennant games;
  • allot positions in which those selected shall play, and arrange substitutes where necessary;
  • perform such other duties as directed by the BMC;
  • a nominee of the Selection Committee (usually the Chair) will be required to report to the BMC on their areas of responsibility as necessary; and
  • Liaise with RUC regarding matters relating to Pennants eg catering after pennant games, pennant dates and the opening time of the club.


3.1   Championships

  • All championships and inter-club competitions shall be governed by the Laws of the Game of Bowls as laid down from time to time by Bowls Australia and Bowls ACT;
  • Club competitions other than championships shall be played under the conditions determined by the BMC;
  • Club Championships for Major Singles and Pairs, Triples, Fours, Minor Singles and Pairs, Handicap Singles and Pairs and Mixed events shall be played each year, if circumstances permit;
  • Only Bowling Members who have not played in Club Championships with another Club in the same event during the relevant Championship year may enter the Club Championships;
  • The Minor Singles Championships shall be open to all ordinary bowling members except those who have won a Minor Singles or Major Singles or Pairs Championship (other than Handicap Championship) at any Club or at State level. This excludes Rookie / Novice Singles
  • The Minor Pairs Championships shall be open to all ordinary bowling members except those who have won a Minor Pairs Championship or Major Singles or Pairs Championship (other than Handicap Pairs Championship) at any Club or State level.  This excludes Rookie / Novice Pairs
  • A player or team drawn to play shall play or forfeit the game (an eligible substitute may be used);
  • Each winner of a Championship shall be awarded a Club Badge and / or bar inscribed with the name and year of the Championship.
  • The winners of Club Championships shall be listed on the Club’s Honour Board on the CNBC website.


A player who has won a Major Singles or Pairs may not play Minor Singles or Pairs.  

A player who has won Minor Singles may play Minor Pairs but not Minor Singles.

A player who has won Minor Pairs may play Minor Singles but not Minor Pairs

3.2        Prizes

  • All prizes presented to, or offered by, the Club for competition shall be in accordance with the rules of Bowls Australia. The Club reserves the option to use RUC Awards as prizes instead of cash.

3.3        Damage to Greens

  • In rainy weather, players should not continue to play bowls when it is likely to cause damage to the greens.
  • Players shall not cause damage to the green by bouncing bowls on delivery (or by dropping bowls on to the green), by standing on the ditch-edge of the green, by unnecessary foot action, by wearing heeled footwear, or otherwise. (Bowls Australia’s Greens Protection Policy applies).
  • A player causing damage to the greens may be warned by any member of the BMC, an Official Umpire, or either of the Skips on the rink, and if the offence continues, it shall be reported to the BMC which will determine what action shall be taken.

 3.4   Coaching

  • A panel of accredited coaches available to act as coaches may be established by the BMC.
  • Playing members and intending playing members may arrange coaching with any of the coaching panel either directly or through the BMC.
  • A player who has been reported for causing damage to the green may be required to undertake corrective coaching. Such a player will only be accepted for play when cleared by the coach.

3.5   Practice

  • Practice shall be allowed only at times and in a manner authorised by the BMC and the greenkeeper (eg when it doesn’t interfere with Championships and Social Bowls).

3.6   Bowling Visitors

  • The greens shall be open to visitors introduced by members of the Club.
  • When a greater number of players than can be accommodated are present on any occasion, members introducing visiting players shall stand down from play in favour of the visitors introduced by them, unless arrangements are made to the contrary.

3.7   Player Behaviour

  • The BMC is authorised to discipline bowling members who misbehave (for example abusive behaviour, playing while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs) or who breach the Bowls ACT Code of Conduct while playing either social bowls, Championships, Pennants or Bowls ACT sanctioned events.
  • Any comments made via social media must conform with Bowls ACT Social Media Policy


4.1 Club Badge, Uniform and Colours

  • The Club Badge and Club Uniform shall be in the form approved by the BMC.
  • The colours of the Club shall be red and green, as approved by the BMC.

4.2   Use of Club Name

  • Members are not permitted, without the consent of the BMC, to use the name or the initials of the Club in the title of any function or organisation.

4.3  Dress

  • Members and visitors are to present themselves in a clean and tidy manner at all times
  • Bowls Australia approved clothing is to be worn (preferably Club uniform) for Club Championship events. If you don’t have a uniform, mufti is acceptable for handicapped and other events approved by the Championship Director.

4.4  Complaints

  • A member who has a bowls related complaint or dispute shall lodge such complaint, in writing, with the BMC Secretary.
  • The BMC may appoint a member or several members to consider the complaint and make a recommendation to the BMC.

4.5   Damage to Club Property

  • A member who breaks or damages any Club property may be required to pay for such damage.

4.6  Members Bowls

  • The Secretary of the BMC shall allocate lockers and maintain a register of such allocations. Items placed by a bowler in a locker not allocated to that member may be removed from that locker by the Club Secretary.
  • Items stored by Bowling Members in the Club lockers shall in the event of fire and burglary be covered by the Association’s insurance policy.

4.7  Members Property

  • Subject to By-Law 4.6 the Association will not be responsible for the loss, theft or damage of any articles left on the Association’s premises by or for any member of the Club, and no receipt shall be given for any article left by or for any member.

 4.8   Use of Bowls

  • No member shall use another member’s bowls or equipment without their permission.

4.9   Unregistered Bowling Members

  • Unregistered bowlers have no entitlement to the use of the bowling greens other than for the purposes of barefoot bowls. An exception is to apply for those who are new to bowls and wish to try the sport for a limited time before becoming a member.

4.10   Achievements record

  • An achievement record will be maintained and, subject to prior approval of the BMC, any member, team or side winning an important event such as State and Inter-State matches may have that win recorded.


  • Any amendment or addition to By-Laws impinging on the conduct of Bowls must be in agreement with the Association’s Constitution. To the extent of any inconsistency the Association’s Constitution takes priority.
  • The BMC is the authorised representative of the Board for the day to day interpretation and implementation of the By-Laws relating to the conduct of Bowls. A bowler must accept the decision of the BMC, or its authorised representative, but has the right of appeal to the Board.
  • A member is directly responsible for the actions and behaviour of any guest on a particular day and must account to the BMC and the Board for any contravention of the Club’s General By-Laws by his/her guest.
  • Failure to comply with these requirements or any other Club By-Laws will be regarded as a misdemeanour under the By-Laws and may result in the expulsion or suspension of membership as provided under the Rules.



(As Amended February 2021)


Terms defined in the Rules and Constitution of the Association have the same meaning in these By-Laws. In particular:

“Association” means The Canberra North Bowling and ACT Rugby Union Club Incorporated.

“Bowling Members” means Bowling Members of the Club as defined in clause 2.1(b) of the Association’s Rules and Constitution.

“Canberra North Bowling Club” means the name under which Bowling Members from the Association compete in bowls competitions.  This name can be shortened to “The Club” or “CNBC” for the purposes of these By-Laws.


1.1    Membership

The Bowls Management Committee (BMC) shall comprise eight members, elected by and from the Bowling Members.

1.2    Composition

The BMC shall consist of:

Bowls President;

Bowls Vice-President;

BMC Secretary;

Championship Director;

Bowls Coordinator; and

Three (3) General Committee members, including at least one from each gender.

The Board may appoint one of its Directors to the BMC (additional to the eight members referred to above).

One of the Bowling Members of the Association’s Board is also expected to attend BMC meetings and/or provide reports to the BMC meetings on matters of relevance to the BMC.

The BMC should encourage an appropriate gender balance in the BMC membership.

1.3    Annual Meeting

The BMC must, at least once in each calendar year, and as soon as practicable after the 30 June, call an annual meeting of the Bowling Members (Bowling Meeting).

The business of the Annual Bowling Meeting is:

  • to confirm the minutes of the last Annual Bowling Meeting;
  • to receive from the BMC, reports on the activities of the BMC during the last year;
  • to elect the members of the BMC and of the Selection Committee(s);
  • to consider any changes to the bowls program, and
  • to consider any matters relating to the organisation of bowls.

A quorum for a Bowling Meeting shall be 20 Bowling Members eligible to vote.

The Secretary must give notice of a Bowling Meeting at least 21 days before the date fixed for that meeting.  The notice should specify the nature of the business proposed to be transacted at that meeting.

A Member wishing to bring any business before a Bowling Meeting that requires a formal decision by the meeting must give written notice of that business to the Secretary14 days before the meeting.  The Secretary must then give notice of that business to members at least 7 days prior to the meeting.

Motions which conform to these conditions can be amended at a Bowling Meeting provided the amendments do not alter the intent of the motions.

 1.4     General Meeting

The BMC may, whenever it considers it appropriate, call a Special General Meeting of Bowling Members to consider any matters relating to the organisation of bowls.

The general provisions outlined under 1.3 above shall also apply to Special General Meetings.

1.5     Election of Bowls Management Committee members.

At least 35 days prior to the Bowling Meeting, the Secretary of the BMC shall invite written nominations for the BMC positions from Bowling Members, on a form prescribed by the BMC.

BMC members shall be appointed for two years, with around half the committee retiring each year. Retiring BMC members are eligible for re-election to the same position for one additional two-year term.

Nominations of candidates for election as members of the
BMC (including a  nomination by the Board to appoint a Director to the BMC):

  • must be made in writing signed by 2 Bowling Members of the Association and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate (preferably endorsed on the nomination form); and
  • must be given to the Secretary of the BMC not less than 14 days before the date fixed for the annual meeting at which the election for BMC office bearers is to take place.

If insufficient nominations are received to fill all vacancies, the candidates nominated are taken as elected.

If the number of nominations received is equal to the number of vacancies to be filled the people nominated are taken as elected.

If the number of nominations received exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled a secret ballot must be held.

Ballot papers shall be available on the notice board and/or by email 12 days before the date fixed for the Annual Bowling Meeting at which the election is to take place.

In the event that a ballot is required, a returning officer, who is not one of the nominees for the positions, shall be appointed to oversee the conduct of the ballot

A person is not eligible to simultaneously hold more than 1 position on the BMC.

In the event of a vacancy on the BMC, the BMC may appoint a member to fill the vacancy.

The BMC may co-opt a Bowling Member for a limited time to undertake a specific task (a co-opted member would not be entitled to vote at BMC meetings).

1.6   Responsibilities

The BMC is responsible:

  • to the Board for the duties outlined in the Rules and Constitution;
  • for arranging the election of members of the BMC and the Selectors;
  • for appointing the Special Events Committee; and
  • for appointing individuals or sub-committees to assist in carrying out its responsibilities.

1.7  Duties

The duties of the BMC members are as follows:

  • The Bowls President is the Chair of the BMC and represents the Bowling Members of the Club and is responsible for liaising with the Board and Management of the Association on bowling activities at the Club.
  • The Bowls Vice-President assists the President in addressing all bowling related matters.
  • The Secretary is responsible for the minutes of the BMC, correspondence, liaison and bowls membership registers.
  • The Championship Director is responsible for the conduct of the Club Championships competition and shall develop and maintain an annual schedule of Club championship competitions.
  • The Bowls Co-ordinator is responsible for the management and control of all social and competition play (excluding Club Championships, Club representative games and barefoot bowls) on the Bowling Greens. Volunteer coordinators will assist the Bowls Coordinator.
  • The General Members should participate in the decision making of the BMC, assist other office bearers in the performance of their duties and attend to any responsibility assigned to them by the President.

1.8     Other Offices

The BMC will appoint eligible Bowling Members to the offices of:

Assistant Championship Director; and

Greens Representative.

These positions will be required to report to the BMC on their areas of responsibility as necessary. They will not be BMC members and will not have a vote on the BMC.

Where possible, the Assistant Championship Director should be of the opposite gender to the Championship Director.



A Special Events Committee chaired by the Bowls Coordinator, and with appointed bowling members, shall be established from the men and women bowlers of the Club.

The Special Events Committee shall:

  • develop proposals for additional events or activities and make recommendations to the BMC;
  • co-ordinate the Club’s hosting of Bowls ACT and other events approved by the BMC; and
  • perform such other duties as requested by the BMC.


Men’s and Women’s Selection Committees shall be established to select bowlers to represent the Club in pennant bowling and other ACT inter-Club competitions. Should mixed pennants be introduced in the ACT, a single Selection Committee with representation from both men and women Bowling Members shall be established to take over the functions of the existing Selection Committees.

2.2.1  Membership

  • Each Selection Committee shall consist of up to four members as determined by the BMC each year. The Selection Committees will be elected annually by the Bowling Members. If required, a secret ballot will be held as soon as practicable after 30 June each year.
  • Each Selection Committee must appoint a Chair and, in a year where there are four Selectors, if necessary, the Chair will have a deciding vote.
  • The Secretary of the BMC shall invite written nominations for membership of a Selection Committee from Bowling Members on a form prescribed by the BMC.
  • All candidates are to be Bowling Members of the Association and be nominated by two Bowling Members, in writing. The nominees shall indicate their consent, in writing, to the nomination (preferably endorsed on the nomination form).
  • In the event of a vacancy on a Selection Committee, the BMC may appoint a member to fill the vacancy

2.2.2   Duties

The functions of the Selection Committee are to:

  • select players for pennant games;
  • allot positions in which those selected shall play, and arrange substitutes where necessary;
  • perform such other duties as directed by the BMC;
  • a nominee of each Selection Committee (usually the Chair) will be required to report to the BMC on their areas of responsibility as necessary and.
  • Liaise with RUC regarding matters relating to Pennants eg catering after pennant games, pennant dates and the opening time of the club.


3.1   Championships

  • All championships and inter-club competitions shall be governed by the Laws of the Game of Bowls as laid down from time to time by Bowls Australia and Bowls ACT;
  • Club competitions other than championships shall be played under the conditions determined by the BMC;
  • Club Championships for Major Singles and Pairs, Triples, Fours, Minor Singles and Pairs, Handicap Singles and Pairs and Mixed events shall be played each year, if circumstances permit;
  • Only Bowling Members who have not played in Club Championships with another Club in the same event during the relevant Championship year may enter the Club Championships;
  • The Minor Singles Championships shall be open to all ordinary bowling members except those who have been Club Singles Champions, other than Handicap Singles Champions, at any Club;
  • The Minor Pairs Championships shall be open to all ordinary bowling members except those who have been Club Pairs Champions, other than Handicap Pairs Champions, at any Club;
  • Minor Singles Championships shall be open to all ordinary bowling members except those who have won a Minor Single or Major Singles or Pairs Championship (other than Handicap Championship) at any Club or at State level. This excludes Rookie / Novice Singles;
  • Minor Pairs Championships shall be open to all ordinary bowling members except those who have won a Minor Pairs Championship or Major Singles or Pairs Championship (other than Handicap Pairs Championship) at any Club or State level.  This excludes Rookie / Novice Pairs;
  • Interpretation
    • A player who has won a Major Singles or Pairs can’t play Minor Singles or Pairs.  
    • A player who has won Minor Singles may play Minor Pairs but not Minor Singles.
    • A player who has won Minor Pairs may play Minor Singles but not Minor Pairs
  • A player or team drawn to play shall play or forfeit the game (an eligible substitute may be used);
  • Each winner of a Championship shall be awarded a Club Badge and / or bar inscribed with the name and year of the Championship;
  • The winners of Club Championships shall be listed on the Club’s Honour Board on the CNBC website.

 3.2        Prizes

  • All prizes presented to, or offered by, the Club for competition shall be in accordance with the rules of Bowls Australia. The Club reserves the option to use RUC Awards as prizes instead of cash.

3.3        Damage to Greens

  • In rainy weather, players should not continue to play bowls when it is likely to cause damage to the greens.
  • Players shall not cause damage to the green by bouncing bowls on delivery (or by dropping bowls on to the green), by standing on the ditch-edge of the green, by unnecessary foot action, by wearing heeled footwear, or otherwise. (Bowls Australia’s Greens Protection Policy applies).
  • A player causing damage to the greens may be warned by any member of the BMC, an Official Umpire, or either of the Skips on the rink, and if the offence continues, it shall be reported to the BMC which will determine what action shall be taken.

 3.4   Coaching

  • A panel of accredited coaches available to act as coaches may be established by the BMC.
  • Playing members and intending playing members may arrange coaching with any of the coaching panel either directly or through the BMC.
  • A player who has been reported for causing damage to the green may be required to undertake corrective coaching. Such a player will only be accepted for play when cleared by the coach.

3.5   Practice

  • Practice shall be allowed only at times and in a manner authorised by the BMC and the greenkeeper (eg when it doesn’t interfere with Championships and Social Bowls).

3.6   Bowling Visitors

  • The greens shall be open to visitors introduced by members of the Club.
  • When a greater number of players than can be accommodated are present on any occasion, members introducing visiting players shall stand down from play in favour of the visitors introduced by them, unless arrangements are made to the contrary.

3.7   Player Behaviour

  • The BMC is authorised to discipline bowling members who misbehave (for example abusive behaviour, playing while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs) or who breach the Bowls ACT Code of Conduct while playing either social bowls, Championships, Pennants or Bowls ACT sanctioned events.
  • Any comments made via social media must conform with Bowls ACT Social Media Policy


4.1 Club Badge, Uniform and Colours

  • The Club Badge and Club Uniform shall be in the form approved by the BMC.
  • The colours of the Club shall be red and green, as approved by the BMC.

4.2   Use of Club Name

  • Members are not permitted, without the consent of the BMC, to use the name or the initials of the Club in the title of any function or organisation.

4.3  Dress

  • Members and visitors are to present themselves in a clean and tidy manner at all times
  • Bowls Australia approved clothing is to be worn (preferably Club uniform) for Club Championship events. If you don’t have a uniform, mufti is acceptable for handicapped and other events approved by the Championship Director.

4.4  Complaints

  • A member who has a bowls related complaint or dispute shall lodge such complaint, in writing, with the BMC Secretary.
  • The BMC may appoint a member or several members to consider the complaint and make a recommendation to the BMC.

4.5   Damage to Club Property

  • A member who breaks or damages any Club property may be required to pay for such damage.

4.6  Members Bowls

  • The Secretary of the BMC shall allocate lockers and maintain a register of such allocations. Items placed by a bowler in a locker not allocated to that member may be removed from that locker by the Club Secretary.
  • Items stored by Bowling Members in the Club lockers shall in the event of fire and burglary be covered by the Association’s insurance policy.

4.7  Members Property

  • Subject to By-Law 4.6 the Association will not be responsible for the loss, theft or damage of any articles left on the Association’s premises by or for any member of the Club, and no receipt shall be given for any article left by or for any member.

 4.8   Use of Bowls

  • No member shall use another member’s bowls or equipment without their permission.

4.9   Unregistered Bowling Members

  • Unregistered bowlers have no entitlement to the use of the bowling greens other than for the purposes of barefoot bowls. An exception is to apply for those who are new to bowls and wish to try the sport for a limited time before becoming a member.

4.10   Achievements record

  • An achievement record will be maintained and, subject to prior approval of the BMC, any member, team or side winning an important event such as State and Inter-State matches may have that win recorded.


  • Any amendment or addition to By-Laws impinging on the conduct of Bowls must be in agreement with the Association’s Constitution. To the extent of any inconsistency the Association’s Constitution takes priority.
  • The BMC is the authorised representative of the Board for the day to day interpretation and implementation of the By-Laws relating to the conduct of Bowls. A bowler must accept the decision of the BMC, or its authorised representative, but has the right of appeal to the Board.
  • A member is directly responsible for the actions and behaviour of any guest on a particular day and must account to the BMC and the Board for any contravention of the Club’s General By-Laws by his/her guest.
  • Failure to comply with these requirements or any other Club By-Laws will be regarded as a misdemeanour under the By-Laws and may result in the expulsion or suspension of membership as provided under the Rules.