Bowls Management Committee Feedback



Mark Carter, Hilary McClure, Mick Fogarty, Rob Rawson, Lyndell Dobbs, Tracey Hughes, Mark Connelly, Stephen Vince


Daniel Watkin-Blaser (Chair of Selectors)

Margaret Bellchambers (Special Events Coordinator)

Michael Waring (General Manager, Complete Turf and Landscaping)




Lyndell Dobbs moved that the minutes be confirmed, seconded by Tracey Hughes.



Rob Rawson reported that after speaking to the Pennant Selection Committee that it has been agreed that selectors will pass on their reasoning for selection changes to the relative side managers so they in turn can keep their team members informed.




Michael Waring provided the following updates:

Green One:

Michael reported that green one is around one to two weeks from being brought back into use. The last few weeks have not been the best growing weather and as previously stated it will not be brought in until fully ready.

Green 2:

Green two will continue to be maintained in its current condition for the remainder of this year. It will basically be the first call for barefoot bowling until it goes out for the planned refurbishment after Christmas which will include a major shaving to bring the surface down to the regulated level in reference to the surrounding concrete plinth.

Green 3:

Similarly, it is only possible to cut and roll green three until the next renovation season in 2025 when it will be the last green to be shaved in the current program.

Daniel Watkin-Blaser raised the issue of only one greenkeeper being on duty on pennant days when two greens are required. This has caused some delay in both greens being ready by the required time for the start of play. Michael said he was not aware that the greenkeeper was having difficulties meeting the required timeframe but he will look into the matter and if needed will take appropriate steps to provide the needed assistance.


Proposed membership fee changes.

Mark Carter tabled a summary of the proposed changes. BMC members had several questions and Mark will seek clarification from club management about some of the details.

Date and time of special meeting of bowling members.

Steve Vince advised that he would request the RUC to take a booking of the Bistro area from 4pm until 6pm on Monday 29 April.

The meeting will allow members to ask questions about the proposed new model for membership fees and to express their views on the proposed model.

(Note. Since writing these minutes it has been confirmed that this date and time is now set)

Ladies Six a Side Tournament.

Margaret Bellchambers advised that greens one and three have been booked for this event.

2024 King and Queen Tournament.

There was a general discussion in regard to the makeup of the sponsorship of this event. It was eventually agreed that this year we would continue unchanged but that it might be looked at again before the 2025 tournament.

Report on the progress of club championships.

Mick Fogarty reported that the introduction of compulsory dates has been effective and that championships are currently running on schedule.

Social Bowls on Saturday 13 April.

It was decided to cancel social bowls on Saturday 13 April due to the three Double Header Open Pennant games being played at home on that day.

Availability of greens for bowling members to practice on.

Daniel Watkin-Blaser reported that several members had mentioned to him that they had been refused permission to have a practice roll up after midday on a few occasions.

After some discussion a few points were noted:

While green one remains out of use there is a much reduced number of rinks available once social bowls ends each day and barefoot bowls bookings come online. This should not be so much of an issue once we have all three greens operational in the next week or so.

While the constitution does state that two greens will always be made available to bowling members for use whenever requested, the meeting was of the opinion that this might have been an error in the drafting of that document and possibly two rinks may have been the intention.

The meeting was at a bit of a loss to hear that this was happening as even with only two greens currently available there always seemed to be any number of members having practice roll ups quite frequently.

However, members must still assist the club management by approaching the front desk prior to rollups to ensure a rink they intend to play on has not already been booked out.

Lyndell Dobbs suggested that the matter be monitored in the first place to see if it has become an issue that does need to be addressed.



Lyndell Dobbs asked if Management might be approached regarding the catering issues that occurred recently for Sunday pennant bowlers when insufficient food was available for the early finishing sides but the extra was brought out for the later finishers when most of the earlier finishers had already left.

Steve Vince reported that he has had a number of discussions with Anna and Jeremy on the matter already. It was identified as a catering error and clearer instructions have been given to the staff concerned to ensure it will not happen in the future.

Rob Rawson advised that Maria Mason and Mark Connelly have volunteered to assist as social bowls coordinators.


Applications for Dual Memberships with Yowani BC have been received from Darcy Rusina and Judith Templeman and have been approved.


The next meeting is scheduled to be held Wednesday 1 May 2024

Stephen Vince                                                   Mark Carter

Secretary                                                             President



Mark Carter, Mick Fogarty, Rob Rawson, Lyndell Dobbs, Tracey Hughes, Mark Connelly


Margaret Bellchambers (Special Events Coordinator)

Michael Waring (General Manager, Complete Turf and Landscaping)

Nick Toole (Complete Turf and Landscaping)

Ned Scanlon


Stephen Vince, Hilary McClure, Hilary Merritt.


Tracey Hughes moved that the minutes be confirmed, seconded by Rob Rawson.





Correspondence from Nick Hind regarding the Bowls ACT AGM to be held 9 April 2024.  Nominees to be selected to attend.  Mark Carter indicated that he would attend with one other.


Ned Scanlon tabled a paper on capitation fees.  The RUC management is very much in favour of the capitation fee.

After the presentation the BMC felt the need to discuss this further.  Another BMC meeting is scheduled for Friday 15 March.


Michael Waring provided a further update on the progress and plans for the three greens.

 Green One:

Michael reported that the regreening is on schedule and has had the final topdressing. The green should be ready by around 23 March but will not be ready for pennants.

Green 2:

Michael mentioned that green two will be completely renovated early next year dropping the height 100 – 150 ml.  This will take considerably longer than green one as it will be a completely new green.  March next year is the best case scenario for this green to be back in.


Adjusted times for social bowls post daylight saving time.

Times for social bowls to remain the same.  This was agreed to by the greenkeepers.


Ladies Six a Side Tournament

Umpires should be allocated money or RUC bucks for a drink after their stint of umpiring.

Tracey to follow up with Anna regarding where Kim Smith from Bowls Hip Pocket suppliers should set up his tables.  As he needs to set up well before 9 am it was thought that the best place would be outside on the verandah.


Wednesday Twilight Competition

Could consideration be given to CNBC to host some of the Wednesday Twilight Competition.

Lyndell to follow up with an email to Ned.

Shortage of social bowls coordinators

Rob Rawson reported that there is a shortage of bowls coordinators for Tuesday and Thursday games.  He said that since putting this on the agenda Maria Mason and Mark Connelly have agreed to assist on Tuesdays but Thursdays was still a concern.

Mark Carter suggested that Stephen Vince should send out an email requesting help from the bowling members.


Communication between the pennant selectors and the managers of pennant sides.

Rob felt that the communication between the pennant selectors and the managers needed to be strengthened.  This would enable Managers to better understand the objectives and strategies planned for the second half of the mixed pennant season. Greater transparency and communication would assist in understanding the rationale behind decisions made.  Rob to set up a meeting.


Bowls ACT Board Vacancies

Club committee members are not eligible to nominate for these positions.  Mark Carter suggested that an email be sent to all members to please nominate for one of these positions if they are interested.



It was noted that some bowlers are dropping their bowls from the side onto the green.  Mark Carter suggested that the committee send out an email reminding players to respect the greens and the work that has been done.


Mick Fogarty suggested the committee should follow up on previous discussions held with Jeremy about his offer of support for an additional tournament and where it might fit in the bowls calendar.

Mark Carter reminded the committee that the University Inter Varsity Games are to be held at CNBC in September.  A committee will need to be appointed to run this tournament.

Margaret Bellchambers suggested that a mixed 6 a side tournament could be held by CNBC.  Margaret will look at the bowls ACT Calendar and liaise with Gayle Young.


Applications for full membership received from June Shakallis and Walter Miller.

Applications for Dual Membership with Yowani BC have been received from David Hawthorne, Wai Ping Fung, Adrian Lee and Pamela Geering.

Applications for Social Membership have also been received from Tony Venables and Jim Bailey.



The next meeting is scheduled to be held Wednesday 14 March 2024

Lyndell Dobbs                                                                    Mark Carter

Minute taker                                                                     President